

This page is for developers of media apps who would like to add compatibility with Sleeve. If you want your app to be considered for Sleeve integration please contact us.

Integrating with Sleeve

Sleeve accesses music apps via AppleScript events. To add compatibility with Sleeve, the following methods must be implemented, and you'll need to contact us so we can add your app as an option in Sleeve's interface.

The following sections show how we request the currently playing track information, and then how we send events to control playback, where your app is named YourApp.

Current Track

TrackID: (Returns string - a unique identifier for the track)

tell application YourApp to get id of current track

Track name: (Returns string)

tell application YourApp to get name of current track

Artist name: (Returns string)

tell application YourApp to get artist of current track

Album name: (Returns string)

tell application YourApp to get album of current track

Album artwork: (Returns string, data)Spotify returns a URL to the album artwork whereas Apple Music serves Image Data directly to us.

Spotify example;

tell application "Spotify" to get artwork url of current track

Apple Music example;

tell application "Music" to get data of first artwork of current track

YourApp is playing music: (Returns playing as string if true)

tell application YourApp to get player state as string

Playback Control

Playback controls all follow the same syntax. The following states can be passed;

  • play
  • pause
  • next track
  • previous track
tell application YourApp to `state`

Loving tracks

Get track loved state: (Returns Bool)

tell application YourApp to get loved of current track

Set track loved state: (Bool)

tell application YourApp to set loved of current track to true