

These are some answers to common questions, along with some solutions to try if things aren't quite right.

Frequently Asked Questions

Missing wallpapers

Umbra handles setting wallpapers the same way macOS does. If you set an image as your wallpaper, and then move or rename the image, the next time you toggle system appearances we may not be able to display your wallpaper. Make sure when setting wallpapers that you're using images that are saved in a static location.

Menu bar appearance

When previewing Unsplash wallpapers, or dimming the Dark Mode wallpaper in Big Sur and later, you'll notice the menu bar retains it's default styling. Unfortunately this is due to an API change that was introduced with Big Sur at the operating system level, and not something we can control or override.

Where can I download Umbra if I've already purchased it?

You can retrieve your download link from our dedicated Purchase Lookup page.

Resetting Umbra

In order for Umbra to update system settings, including the system appearance and desktop wallpaper, we need to request system event permissions from macOS. You can do this from the initial first run screen when Umbra launches for the first time.

If you later revoke the permissions, or choose the wrong option in the system dialog initially, Umbra won't be able to request the permissions again.

To resolve this you can run the following 2 commands in your Terminal, which will reset Umbra. The next time you launch Umbra you'll be able to request permissions from the first run screen once again.

Reset Umbra, all it's settings, and permissions:
defaults delete com.replay.Umbra && tccutil reset AppleEvents com.replay.Uleeve
Any wallpapers you have set will be lost, and all settings restored to their defaults.

Or, to reset Umbra's permissions only:
tccutil reset AppleEvents com.replay.Umbra

Report an Issue

To get in touch about any issue you're experiencing with Umbra you can email [email protected] and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.