These are some answers to common questions, along with some solutions to try if things aren't quite right.
Known Issues
Certain Hot Key combinations can't be set.
We have an issue with an underlying library where the function keys (F1, F2 etc) and the space key are not recognised as valid shortcuts. You might see them show up when you type them, but they won't get saved and persisted correctly.
In the Sleeve 2.1 update we're preventing you from setting these particular shortucts, while we work on a solution to get them working in a future update.
Frequently Asked Questions
Does Sleeve need access to my Apple Music or Spotify account?
There's no authentication required — Sleeve interacts directly with the Apple Music and Spotify apps as long as they're open on your Mac, without acessing anything about your account. However, to use certain features with Spotify, such as the ability to like tracks, you will need to authenticate with Spotify by following this guide.
Why does Sleeve ask to control Apple Music/Spotify/Doppler when it first launches?
Sleeve needs this system permission in order to fetch information from those apps and send playback events to them. We fetch the current track information, whether or not the apps are open and playing, and send events to control playback.
Can you add support for Tidal, Deezer, SoundCloud or YouTube Music?
We'd love to add support for more services, but unfortunately none of those mentioned above ship apps that support AppleScript, so Sleeve doesn't currently have a way to fetch metadata or control playback.
If you're a developer of a music app and want to integrate with Sleeve please contact us and take a look the Developers guide.
Where can I download Sleeve if I've already purchased it?
You can retrieve your download link from our dedicated Purchase Lookup page.
Resetting Sleeve
A possible solution if you're finding Sleeve has lost the ability to communicate with a music app, or you revoked or accidentally declined the system permissions window on first launch, you can restore Sleeve by running the following command in
defaults delete com.replay.sleeve && tccutil reset AppleEvents com.replay.sleeveAny themes you have created in Sleeve will be lost, and all settings restored to their defaults.
tccutil reset AppleEvents com.replay.sleeve
Upgrading Sleeve from older versions
If you're upgrading to Sleeve 2.0 from a version of Sleeve prior to 1.8.2, you may encounter an error when updating from within the app.
If you encounter this issue, use the Purchase Lookup page to get a direct download link for the latest version of Sleeve, and then replace the existing version of in the Applications folder with the new one (make sure to quit Sleeve first).
Report an Issue
To get in touch about any issue you're experiencing with Sleeve you can email [email protected] and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.